The Marks:


Gnome et Rhône


The principal activity of the company Gnome et Rhone is the manufacture of plane's engines. It is at the beginning two different and concurentes companies : the company Gnome and the company Le Rhone.

For information, the french word Avion (airplane) is the acronym of Appareil Volant Imitant les Oiseaux Naturels (Flying Equipment Imitating the Natural Birds), by Clement Ader.

The Société des Moteurs Gnome is created in 1905 and launches its first motors with rotary cylinders.

 logo Gnome et Rhône

Affiche Gnome et Rhône

January 12, 1915, the Company Gnome absorbs the concurrent Company Le Rhone, and becomes the "Société des moteurs Gnome et Rhône".

Just after the First World War, the company diversifies its activities in particular with motor cycles.

In 1945, after the second world war, the factories are destroyed, the industrial backwardness is enormous. The company diversifies its products again by manufacturing tractors, separators, autoclaves, machine-guns and always motor cycles.

Affiche Gnome et Rhône

Advertising regarding the 1946 Salon de l'Automobile in Paris

May 29, 1945, the French government nationalizes Gnome et Rhône and creates the "Société Nationale d'Etude et de Construction de Moteurs d'Aviation ", SNECMA.

In its preoccupation of diversification, the SNECMA, which had taken again the motor bike activities of Gnome et Rhone marketed, in 1945, this bicycle out of duralumin, alloy very much used in aeronautics. We know that there was at least  three models for this bicycle: for woman, for man and a tourist-cycling model with double front gearwheel.

The man model was sold 12 000 Francs of this time (without the tires !).


If you want to know some more about Gnome et Rhone, you can visit the following sites:

Official site of the nationalized company

An impassioned of the Gnome et Rhône motor bikes but which does not forget the bicycles.

The Marks: